How Do I Get Money From My Settlement Immediately?

Selling lottery payments

How long have you been waiting to get what you want? Do you feel as if you have waited a lifetime to achieve some of your biggest goals? And now, even when you have received a big court settlement or a lottery payout, those in charge of your funds still want you to wait. Maddening, isn’t it? Maybe it’s time you take charge of your future and get the money that is yours on your schedule, rather than someone else’s plan. It is time for you to get cash for settlements that will benefit you immediately.
At the end of the year 2013, 34.8 million individual deferred annuity contracts were in place. The amount of money tied up in these contracts exceeded $2.58 trillion. How does this make sense? If you have won or earned money through a settlement, whether it be a legal case of a lottery prize, why should your money be part of the trillions of dollars tied up in annuity contracts? Doesn’t it make sense to get cash for settlements as soon as possible so that you can start reaching your goals? Consider all of the things you could do if you were to sell annuity payments and instead take your payout lottery winnings:

  • Start taking college classes so that you can earn a degree for the job you want.
  • Pay off your credit card debt.
  • Pay off your home mortgage.
  • Start the new business that you have always dreamed of.
  • Travel to your dream vacation spot.
  • Buy your first home.
  • Buy a vacation home in your family’s favorite vacation location.
  • Pay for your children’s college education.
  • Buy starter homes for your older children.

Everyone deserves the chance to have their money work for them. Approximately 35 percent of the U.S. population say they have trouble paying bills or, even worse, were stuck paying off medical debt in the year 2014. The cycle of debt is unforgiving and exhausting. If you have been given the once in a life time opportunity to erase all of your financial problems, it just makes sense that you work with a company to get cash for settlements rather than let an investment firm earn the interests and benefits from your funds.
All told, American consumers owe at least $11.91 trillion in debt. Permanently remove yourself from this bleak statistic by getting a hold of the cash that is yours. Instead of living paycheck to paycheck as you slowly pay off the your high interest debt, use your earnings to eliminate your financial package and move on to the bigger goals you have in life.

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