Many of the purchases that consumers make rely on software to process the payment. From the swipe of a card to an application for a loan, businesses of all size rely on technology to make sure that they are able to verify payments almost instantly. In the field of system and services technologies auto loans, for instance, the buyers may have to wait a few minutes, but the entire loan verification process is pretty speedy.
Whether you are getting ready to buy a car or purchase a houseful of furniture, there are many businesses that rely on the equivalent of bank loan software to verify the credit history of a buyer. Once the purchase is made, retail billing software helps businesses and customers stay on top of scheduled payments and any late payment notifications.
Auto Loan Software Is One Example of How Technology Helps Monitor Payments Throughout Many Industries
Whether your bills are processed through system and services technologies auto loan software or student loan management software, there are many ways to monitor the progress of your loan and payment schedule. In fact, the computer software industry plays an important role in nearly every business that and institution that requires a scheduled payment. Consider some of these facts and figures about the software payment industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Outstanding consumer debt is expected to reach a record $4 trillion by the end of the year 2018, so it is important for businesses to find out the credit history of any new customer.
- The latest research indicates that American consumers owe nearly 26% of their income each year to paying down their debts.
- 47% of companies plan to increase their spending on software designed to improve virtual help desk initiatives and customer service, according to Contegix research on enterprise software users.
- With North America and Europe leading growth, the global enterprise software market will exceed $500 Billion by the year 2022.
- Many companies find that 50% or less of their desired user base will invest in an effort to fully adopt new enterprise software and technology solutions.
From vehicle and furniture purchases to student loans, digital loan software helps trace the payments that customers make.